Resources for Friends & Family


Beyond Addiction Workbook for Family & Friends

The Beyond Addiction Workbook for Family and Friends: Evidence-Based Skills to Help a Loved One Make Positive Change, is our first full-length publication on the Invitation to Change Approach (ITC). From Dr. Carrie Wilkens, Dr. Jeff Foote, and Dr. Ken Carpenter (authors of Beyond Addiction), this book provides a thorough, compassionate guide through the Invitation to Change Approach, a helping model based in science and compassion that is built to teach both family members and professionals the most effective strategies for supporting someone who is struggling with substance use and change.


Beyond Addiction

Beyond Addiction: How Science and Kindness Help People Change is CMC’s first book! Beyond Addiction is CMC’s way of giving families, friends, and loved ones hope that they can help someone they care about change their substance use. Using the most current science and over 40 years of knowledge about substance use treatment, Drs Foote, Wilkens and Kosanke outline how you can help your loved one make changes.


The 20 Minute Guide

We created this workbook and free online resource for parents, partners, friends, and family members who want to help a loved one change their relationship with substances.

Based on the Invitation to Change®, the 20-Minute Guide contains practical ideas and exercises to help you help your loved one through the process of change.

Click here to access the entire 20-Minute Guide for FREE.

If you prefer a hard copy, you can purchase it here (all proceeds go to our nonprofit foundation).

New Workbook

The Invitation to Change: A Short Guide

Through short explanatory chapters and more than 20 exercises, The Invitation to Change: A Short Guide will walk you through the 9 core topics of the Invitation to Change Approach® (ITC).

CMC's Non-Profit

The founders of CMC recently launched the 501(c)(3) non-profit CMC:Foundation for Change (CMC:FFC) to provide evidence-based resources to family members. In many communities across the country, access to evidence-based treatment options is severely limited—sometimes non-existent. Finances can also be a significant factor when it comes to seeking help. The CMC:FFC website will provide a trove of helpful videos and online content that can be accessed anywhere for free.

What is CRAFT?

Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) teaches family and friends effective strategies for helping their loved one to change and for feeling better themselves. CRAFT works to affect the loved one’s behavior by changing the way the family interacts with him or her.


Our monthly newsletter is loaded with helpful information about how to achieve and maintain your goals (and those of your loved one), wellness tips (recipes, exercise, self-care), current research in the field, CRAFT pointers, ways to keep up your motivation, and more (we throw in some fun stuff as well!).

Sign up for this monthly dose of support and inspiration.

Additional Family Resources

The Power of Families to Influence Addiction Recovery: An Interview with Robert J. Meyers, PhD
Smart Recovery Logo
SMART Recovery’s Family & Friends
Sober Families Podcast Logo
Sober Families Podcast
Allies in Recovery logo
Allies in Recovery