At CMC, we know that family and friends of those who struggle with substance use disorders and other mental health issues are impacted - emotionally, physically, and financially. We also know that they are in an incredibly powerful position to help!
As researchers and clinicians, we’ve seen plenty of evidence over the past 50 years that families and friends make a difference more than anyone else. We know that people struggling with addiction and other mental health issues get better and that loved ones—parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, partners, friends—can have a very positive effect on their motivation to change.
However, there can be many barriers for loved ones when it comes to understanding how they can help.

At CMC, we understand the pain and confusion you may be experiencing as you try to help a loved one struggling with substance use or other mental health issues. The information and advice others (including treatment professionals!) offer is often outdated or ineffective, leaving you frustrated and helpless.
You may have been told that you can do nothing “until your loved one decides to change” (often meaning they have to “hit rock bottom”), that you should take a back seat, or that your only option is to attend support group meetings like Al-Anon. Some may have even suggested that you have “the disease of codependency” or that your care and concern are “enabling” the problem. "Tough love" and detachment are frequently recommended, even though they are disempowering and can escalate conflict and create distance within the family.
As someone trying to help, it's common to feel overwhelmed by emotions such as fear, anger, and disappointment, especially if your attempts to help have been unsuccessful. You may be losing hope that change is possible for your loved one and your family.
You are not alone in your struggle. Many people in similar situations feel confused about their role in helping and are unsure of the best way to support their loved ones.
At CMC, we help family and friends use evidence-based, effective strategies proven in research studies to have a positive impact on those struggling with substance misuse and other mental health issues.
The research and evidence is clear: whether the person you love has just started engaging in substance use or has been doing so for years, you have the power to help.
You can help without using traditional (ineffective and sometimes dangerous!) methods of confrontation, tough love, or letting them hit rock bottom. You can learn to use science and kindness to bring about positive change for your loved one and yourself.

CMC is a leader in helping families. Our Co-Founders and the entire CMC team have championed cutting-edge, evidence-based approaches for decades. They have also authored an award-winning book, Beyond Addiction: How Science and Kindness Help People Change, and a companion workbook, The Beyond Addiction Workbook for Family and Friends: Evidence-Based Skills to Help a Loved One Make Positive Change.
Our dedicated clinicians are trained in our Invitation to Change® (ITC) approach, Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT), Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT), The Gottman Method, and other evidence-based approaches to successful and effective treatment for families and couples. We will work with you to develop a plan that helps you and your family re-connect, heal wounds, and thrive.
The work of our non-profit CMC:Foundation for Change, directly addresses the negative impacts of stigma and shame on families by promoting evidence-based strategies empowering them to take active roles in supporting positive change in their lives and communities.
The Invitation to Change approach® draws from CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Therapy), MI (Motivational Interviewing), and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) to empower loved ones with a new understanding of substance use, and other problematic behaviors like gaming, gambling, and spending.
With a skills-oriented, compassionate lens, the Invitation to Change Approach® works to reduce shame and stigma while providing tools to foster growth and promote change in the whole family.

There is extensive research showing that family involvement in addiction and mental health treatment can significantly improve treatment outcomes for the affected individual. Here are some key findings:
Increased treatment engagement. Family involvement can lead to better treatment engagement and help your loved one stay in treatment. When family members participate in therapy sessions or support groups, individuals are more likely to stay committed to their goals.
Reduced substance use. Studies have shown that individuals with strong family support are less likely to return to heavy substance use compared to those without family involvement.
Better long-term outcomes. Family involvement can lead to better long-term outcomes, such as increased abstinence rates, improved mental health, and better overall functioning.
At CMC, we recognize the far-reaching impact of substance use and mental health issues on the entire family. That's why we believe in the immense benefits of including family members in the treatment process. Our
family services offer:
Increased understanding. We provide scientific explanations of compulsive behaviors and unhealthy habits so that we can help you develop a personalized path toward helping your loved one and yourself.
Enhanced motivation and engagement. As a family member or friend, you are modeling how change happens when you take the time to learn new behavioral and communication skills. This often motivates the person struggling to seek help and remain in treatment, as they feel supported by the community around them embracing change.
Compassion for all. Improving relationships requires self-awareness, patience, practice, and self-compassion. The kindness we model will help your entire family system move forward with understanding and empathy.
Improved communication. We teach skills that enhance connection and reduce defensiveness, which will help you build a stronger, more meaningful relationship with your loved one. When emotions run high, it's easy to fall into patterns of yelling, lecturing, or shutting down, but these reactions often create distance and hinder progress. Developing effective communication skills can help you create a positive environment of collaboration and connection.

Improved understanding of behavior tools that encourage positive behaviors and discourage negative, problematic ones. When family members learn to recognize and reward positive changes while strategically allowing natural consequences to play a role along with respectful limit setting, they can create an environment for healthy behavioral choices to take hold.
Healing from trauma. Substance use often serves as a short-term coping mechanism for trauma symptoms despite its problematic long-term effects. Family therapy helps the entire system understand and address the relationship between substance use and trauma.
At CMC, we know that one size does not fit all. Families are diverse and they get better in all sorts of different ways. That’s why we begin by understanding your needs.
Many family members appreciate and benefit from having their own space to discuss their loved one’s situation and how to be a positive influence. During the initial evaluation with one of our therapists, we will learn about your family, your loved one, and the dynamics at play. From there, we will help you understand how CRAFT and ITC can help you and your loved one.
At CMC, we understand that each family's journey is unique, and we tailor our treatment to meet your specific needs. Whether your loved one is unmotivated to seek help or already in treatment, our skilled therapists provide you with the tools to inspire positive change and strengthen your relationship.

We also provide couples therapy for partners navigating the challenges of addiction and other mental health challenges together.
While we recommend weekly sessions initially to accelerate your learning and growth, we customize the frequency and duration of treatment to suit your circumstances. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary to help your loved one make lasting changes while prioritizing your own well-being.
Our Clinical Director and co-author of the book Beyond Addiction: How Science and Kindness Help People Change, Dr. Nicole Kosanke, offers our monthly family member group: Family Mondays. This is an opportunity for family members to learn about a specific Invitation to Change® (ITC)-related topic, share their experiences, ask questions, and discuss helpful strategies. Groups are held on the first Monday of every month, from 6:00-7:00 PM Eastern time (click here for details and to sign up in advance). Come monthly or when the topic is of particular interest.
Our clinicians work with concerned friends and family members of all types, including spouses/partners, parents, grandparents, and siblings.
Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT), is a highly effective behavioral and motivational treatment for families of people with substance problems developed by Dr. Robert J. Meyers and Dr. Jane Ellen Smith. CRAFT has been studied extensively in randomized controlled trials across socioeconomic and ethnic groups and situations, including varying familial relationships and types of substances. It has been discovered to be more effective than traditional approaches such as Al-Anon and interventions.
CRAFT teaches loved ones effective strategies for inspiring change in a family member struggling with substance use. CRAFT works to influence behavior by changing the way family members interact with them. It is designed to accomplish three goals:
Help a family move their loved one toward treatment when they’re refusing.
Reduce their loved one’s use of drugs and alcohol, whether or not they have engaged in treatment yet.
Improve the lives of concerned family and friends.

In clinical trials of people struggling with substance use of varied ages, CRAFT was successful in engaging treatment in 64 – 74% of cases (compared to 30% Interventions, 3-12% for Al-non). Families who learned CRAFT reported significant improvements in their happiness and sense of family cohesion, as well as reduced anxiety, depression, and anger. The individuals struggling with substances they were trying to help also significantly reduced their substance use, regardless of whether they entered treatment.
CRAFT shows you how to positively and incrementally reinforce positive changes such as reduced substance use, abstaining, or taking steps toward change. It recognizes family members as influential collaborators in this process.
At CMC, we were early adopters of CRAFT. We wrote a book about it Beyond Addiction: How Science and Kindness Help People Change. Our Invitation to Change approach includes CRAFT while adding key elements of Motivational Interviewing (MI), a short-term treatment approach that concentrates on improving and strengthening an individual’s motivation to change. MI creates a respectful, empathic environment that invites change instead of demanding it, as it helps people see their reasons for change. We also include several elements of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which employs acceptance and mindfulness strategies alongside commitment and behavior-change strategies to increase psychological flexibility. These strategies help you live in the present moment with your emotions, experiences, and values to help your loved one and yourself better. The ITC shows you how to use a variety of skills to improve your relationship with your loved one and motivate them to consider and sustain positive change.
Speak with a member of our Intake Team
Speak with a member of our Intake Team to explore options for your family today!