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Useful Organizations

At CMC we believe there are various ways to create a support network when it comes to dealing with issues of substance abuse. We also think it is important to build connections over and beyond therapy and professional support. Since we know that one size does not fit all – we have the goal on this page of providing access to a variety of social media outlets. While we think there is something in these links for everyone, we have no idea what will work for you. Some of these sites are very consistent with our mission to increase awareness of evidence-based approaches to the problems our clients and their families’ face. Others are more traditional in their focus. We know people need options and hope that you find something on this page that speaks to you!

On this page, you will find blogs where advocates present different perspectives and paths to addressing compulsive behaviors. You will also find links to professional & governmental organizations that have information that you might find helpful. Our goal is to provide you with many options so you can find something that fits your life and your goals.We are always looking to expand our digital resources, and encourage you to stay connected with us by facebook or by signing up for our newsletter. We are constantly updating and posting (sharing) great resources as we come across them. We hope you find them helpful.

The Partnership to End Addiction

Super helpful and newly redone website is designed to address the needs of parents. Focuses on helping parents understand and cope with substance use disorders in teens and young adults. They have a hotline and on-line forum to answer questions and get advice. Also devoted to helping parents understand the options available to them. The Partnership is a huge proponent of CRAFT so we love them!

Naloxone: Everything You Need to Know - Practical Recovery Blog

Practical Recovery, a treatment center in San Diego, CA, has put together a blog post with all the information one might need in order to understand, obtain, and use naloxone, a medication that reverses the effects of an opiate overdose. Knowing how to get and use this medication is of the utmost importance for anyone who knows or is in contact with opiate users. This medication can help save their life.

National Institute on Drug Abuse

NIDA is charged with bringing the power of science to the problem of drug addiction and abuse. The organization funds and conducts studies across a range of disciplines and focuses on disseminating information to improve prevention and treatment.

We love NIDA notes. Easy way to see what scientists are learning about every aspect of drug use.

Also a great place to get facts about drugs of abuse. If you are wondering about the effects and potential problems associated with any particular drug, NIDA has most recent info.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Organization focused on monitoring and improving the quality and availability of treatment of substance use problems as well as mental health. The website has pages full of information about drugs of abuse, treatment options, and mental and physical health issues.

We love the book store as it gives direct access to manuals that include evidence-based treatment protocols.

The treatment finder is also a helpful option if you are looking for programs in other parts of the country.

American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry Patient Referral Program

This website has a listing of psychiatrists who specialize in treatment of addictions.

Bob Meyers CRAFT

One of our favorite sites because it has videos of Bob talking about CRAFT! At CMC we have huge admiration for Bob and his wife Jane Ellen Smith as they developed and spread the word about CRAFT every day. The website gives links to research, books and upcoming trainings. We can’t wait until providers and the public suggest “how about you look into CRAFT” as many times or more than they say “how about you go to an Al-Non meeting” when they are talking to a loved one of someone struggling with a substance use problem.

HEROES in Recovery

This excellent website is filled with stories of people who are working towards change everything from substance abuse to mental health issues to family and faith. The goal is to break down and eliminate the stigma of getting help. If you’re looking for a little inspiration, this is a good place to start.

Helpful website with information about Buprenorphine and Suboxone, supported by the pharmaceutical company. Links with access to providers across the country.

National Cancer Institute Smoking Page

The National Cancer Institute’s Smoking Resources Page has a ton of links to resources to stop smoking, as well as links to facts and research about smoking. It’s a good place to get some of the most current research and facts about cigarette smoke and quitting smoking.

Grief Recovery After Substance Passing (GRASP)

GRASP is for anyone who has had a loved one pass away from substance use, and is looking for a support group to help them grieve. GRASP offers both online resources to help cope with grief, and in person support meetings around the country. A list of meetings can be found here:

Start Your Recovery is a free, confidential tool that helps individuals take steps toward a healthy relationship with drugs and alcohol. It was developed with the input of leading clinicians, experts from leading organizations like SAMHSA, and people in recovery themselves. Here, individuals can hear stories from people with similar life experiences, discover the answers they need for recognizing and dealing with substance use issues, and locate support. Family and friends can learn about addiction and how to encourage treatment, and support sober living on the website.

The Self-Empowering Addiction Treatment Association (SEATA)

SEATA is an online directory for people to find treatment providers who will work with individual to help meet their own goals, rather than imposing goals on clients, which reduces treatment efficacy and compliance. At CMC, we believe strongly that each client needs to find their own path, and should have access to treatment providers that will help them meet those goals. This important directory helps put treatment seekers in touch with a wide range of treatment providers. We are proud to be members of the SEATA community as well.

Give InKind Sober Gift Guide

Give InKind is an excellent organization that helps to support non-profits. This article discusses ways that you can support a loved one who is struggling with substance use disorders.

National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse

Supports and conducts research on alcohol use. As part of National Institutes of Health, NIAAA has the goal of conducting research that helps us better understand health risks and benefits of alcohol. They also have goal of understanding the biological and social variables that contribute to risk and reduce stigma. Also has task of identifying and disseminating effective strategies for prevention and intervention for alcohol related problems.

Website is a great place to get facts about alcohol and health and it’s full of questionnaires to assess your own relationship with alcohol.

One of our favorite pages is Rethinking Drinking ( Quick way to assess severity of drinking problem and suggestions on ways to address the problem.

The Guided Self-Change Program

The Sobell’s have been working forever to change the treatment landscape. Their program called NOVA based out in Florida has a nice website on a “self-guided change” program. It has several online forms that we know many of our patients have found helpful. We recommend this site and these form to people who are not able to find the right therapist quickly as it can get you started in the interim. The self assessment forms can be found at the bottom of the home page.

The Drinker’s Check-Up

The Drinker’s Check-Up is a great website developed by Reid Hester, Ph.D. You can sign up and do an assessment (which is quite detailed!) and the website processes the info and gives you personalized feedback (e.g., where do you fit in on norms across the country) and suggestions about ways to reduce or stop drinking.

Faces & Voices of Recovery

Nice website of an organization committed to spreading the word that there are many ways to address substance use disorders. They started with mission to increase awareness that there are many paths to recovery (i.e., self-help, professional treatment, medication management) and all have proven to help change lives.

The” Recovery Resources’ tab is full of information and links to other helpful organizations and information about substance use problems.

National Alliance of Advocates for Buprenorphine Treatment

Another nice website of a non-profit organization focused on educating about addiction and evidence-based practices as it relates to the use of buprenorphine and Suboxone for opioid dependence.

The Alliance for the Safe, Therapeutic and Appropriate use of Residential Treatment (ASTART)

Very helpful website that’s mission is to shed light on the abuses that have taken place in the teen residential/wilderness treatment market. Put together by professionals, families and survivors the site has informative pages about the abuses that have occurred and continue to occur in the industry. Helpful pages on questions to ask providers, marketers and treatment programs.

Dr. Jonathan Fader - Motivational Interviewing Training

Dr. Jonathan Fader is a Motivational Interviewing trainer who will present on-site trainings for motivational interviewing and will customize the training based on the organization’s needs.

Broken No More

Broken No More is a forum dedicated to helping family and friends of people with substance use disorder/chemical dependency, who have lived the trauma of addiction with their loved ones, and have seen firsthand the devastating results of the disease of addiction and overdose deaths. Broken No More is formed with the hope that more enlightened drug policies may help stem the tide of addiction and overdose.



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