You have already survived; now let’s help you thrive.
The experience of trauma has countless impacts, often shaping how we experience the world around us, our relationships, and our choices. At CMC, our compassionate clinicians deeply understand how trauma can affect every aspect of a person's life - from daily functioning to overall well-being. We also recognize that unresolved trauma frequently underlies substance use issues and can create significant barriers to positive change. That's why we offer our clients the opportunity to simultaneously address trauma and substance problems, using evidence-based approaches tailored to each individual's unique needs and experiences. Our goal is to help you not just survive but truly thrive.
Clinicians in all of our programs are trained in gold standards for treating complex trauma and PTSD and will work with you to decide which treatment approach and specialized protocol is the best option for you. We offer Prolonged Exposure therapy (PE & COPE), Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Somatic Experiencing (SE), Written Exposure Therapy (WET), and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).
Clients who have completed treatment for PTSD at CMC have experienced statistically significant (p < .05) decreases across multiple symptom categories and average PTSD symptom severity, as measured by the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Scale Interview (PSSI) for the DSM-5, decreased by 84%.
At CMC:Berkshires, 80% of our clients who met criteria for PTSD and completed trauma treatment no longer meet a clinical cut-off for PTSD by the end of treatment (clients received an average of 13 specific sessions for trauma treatment in addition to usual CMC:Berkshires programming).
If you or someone you love is experiencing symptoms of unresolved trauma, we encourage you to explore options for treatment.
Here’s why you should consider treatment:

Many trauma survivors feel broken, believing they cannot lead meaningful lives due to past traumatic experiences. Treatment can help you reclaim your life and find fulfillment as you navigate your present life.
While many people experience a traumatic incident in their lives, most do not develop PTSD. Why is it that one person develops PTSD in response to a trauma while another experiencing a similar event does not?
People develop PTSD for many reasons, and some are more at risk than others. For example, people who develop PTSD after a trauma in adulthood often have a history of childhood trauma (e.g., physical or sexual abuse, neglect) or other prior experience with trauma. Other risk factors include anxiety and a tendency to rely heavily on avoidance behaviors such as substance use and isolation to cope.
Having a better understanding of the impact of trauma can be a step toward reducing the shame and stigma often associated with it. It can also empower you to take the steps you need to start addressing how it impacts you.
Trauma and substance misuse have a unique relationship. Studies have found that anywhere from 30–60% of people who struggle with substance problems also suffer from PTSD.
PTSD is maintained primarily through avoiding reminders of the trauma. While avoiding triggers and using substances reduces anxiety for the moment, the long-term consequences of avoiding trauma reminders can be significant. First, when you close off parts of the world or your own emotional experiences to avoid feeling the impact of trauma, life can become very constricted.
Isolation, poor overall functioning at work and in relationships, and other problems like depression and anxiety are some outcomes of untreated PTSD or trauma. Also, using substances to manage trauma-related symptoms can add a host of other problems that may ultimately result in physical and emotional dependence on drugs and alcohol.

In place of engaging in substance use or other compulsive behaviors to cope with the impact of trauma, our clinicians will help you learn skills to relate to pain differently, along with effective skills for stress management, emotional regulation, and mindfulness. Trauma treatment at CMC can empower you to embrace your past and present experiences so that you can pursue meaningful goals aligned with your values.
At CMC, we know that addressing trauma is central to reclaiming your life based on your values and goals. Whether you want better relationships, improved physical and mental health, more professional success, or another goal and trauma is getting in your way, treatment will help you deal with it and achieve your goals.
Understanding and processing your trauma enables you to break free from its hold, allowing you to focus on your goals with renewed clarity and confidence.
At CMC, we know that one size does not fit all and that having a choice among effective, empirically based trauma treatment options predicts positive outcomes. In all of our programs, we have a team of expert clinicians who are deeply trained in evidence-based approaches to treating PTSD and complex trauma. We will work with you to develop treatment options that best suit your needs.

Taking a step to address trauma’s impact on your life is powerful, and it’s normal for this decision to come with numerous questions and uncertainties.
To simplify things for you when you choose to consider treatment for trauma with us, we start with a comprehensive assessment that’s collaborative, supportive, and informative. An effective plan for change starts with a clear and thorough understanding of you and the circumstances that have led you to seek additional support. We use this comprehensive assessment to personalize your therapy.
During your consultation, you'll complete some questionnaires and have an in-depth trauma assessment with a clinician. This helps us fully understand your unique life experiences, relationships, strengths, challenges, and goals so we can tailor your therapy just for you.
We'll have a collaborative discussion to explore your options for treating trauma. This includes personalized recommendations such as individual or group therapy, and we can also suggest other resources outside CMC if needed. We collaborate well with other treatment providers and welcome their input to develop a comprehensive treatment plan. If we recognize that an outside referral is best for you, we'll assist you in finding the proper support that matches your needs.
Speak with a member of our Intake Team to explore your trauma treatment options today.
At CMC, we provide treatment for diverse types of trauma, including but not limited to childhood trauma, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, domestic violence, community violence, bullying, combat trauma, accidents, and complex trauma.
is an integrative trauma treatment supported by research. The model on which it is based, Adaptive Information Processing (AIP), posits that many of the symptoms that follow a traumatic or adverse life event are due to inadequate or incomplete processing of the event. During EMDR treatment, traumatic memories are processed as the therapist leads the patient in sets of eye movements (or other forms of bilateral stimulation) with appropriate shifts and changes of focus until distress surrounding the trauma is significantly reduced. This dual-attention method allows for natural adaptive processing of the painful memory while feeling safely grounded in the present. Common trauma symptoms for which EMDR therapy is used include: distressing recall of images or related memories, current attempts to avoid reminders of the event or triggers, mood symptoms, heightened anxiety and fear, hypervigilance, somatic complaints, negative self-concept, guilt and shame, flashbacks or nightmares related to the experience, heightened irritability and anger, difficulty sleeping, social disconnection or withdrawal, difficulty concentrating, and in some cases dissociation.
Reach out to us to learn more about our treatment & care