At CMC we encourage everyone to work out and eat well as doing so is an important part of making lasting behavioral changes. You may be someone who has always worked out and eaten well, you may be someone who is new to both. Regardless, you can enhance the quality of your workout and your performance if you pay particular attention to the quality, quantity and timing of the calories you consume.
Quality: In general, seek out minimally processed whole foods. Highly processed food often contains undesirable ingredients and can wreak havoc with your blood sugar or blood pressure. Manufacturers of sports beverages and foods design their products to support the science behind what makes athletes tick. Unfortunately, many of these foods are also highly processed and expensive. It’s best to stick to whole, healthy foods. Exercise also increases your need for antioxidants which are most abundant in color-rich plant foods – yet another reason to stick with Mother Nature’s whole food options.
Quantity: Studies support that consuming a ratio of approximately four parts carbohydrate to one part protein within 45 minutes after finishing exercise shifts your body from exercise induced stress mode to one of building and restoration. People who consume this ratio show increased muscle mass and improved fat mobilization as compared to people who ate nothing or carbohydrates alone. Don’t you love it when science tells you to eat?
Timing: When exercising for less than 90 minutes, people vary in whether they prefer to eat something in the one hour window prior to exercise. If you have eaten within three or four hours prior to exercise you may find your energy level and blood sugar are fine without additional food. If you ate more than four hours prior to exercise you may benefit from eating ~200-250 calories of a carbohydrate and protein containing snack. If you choose to eat, consume easy to digest foods. Most importantly, experiment and see which approach and which foods provide you with the greatest energy and comfort during your workout.
When exercising for greater than 90 minutes, eating a carbohydrate and protein-based snack within one hour of exercise helps to preserve glycogen stores in your liver and muscle so that you can draw upon them later in your workout.
The following suggestions provide you with ideas for balancing quality, quantity and timing:
Before exercise:
- ½ to 1 cup vegetable juice
- 1 cup fresh fruit or ¼ cup dried fruit with or without nonfat or low fat yogurt
- ½ cup cold whole grain cereal, 1 tablespoon dried fruit and ½ cup nonfat or low fat milk or yogurt
- ½ whole wheat bagel, 1 tablespoon low fat cream cheese and 1 ounce smoked salmon
- ½ cup cooked whole grain hot cereal, ½ cup milk with cinnamon
After exercise (within 30-45 minutes):
- 1 whole wheat English muffin with 1 hardboiled egg
- 1 cup nonfat or low fat yogurt with all fruit preserves, dried fruit or fresh fruit
- ½ cup trail mix with whole grain cereal, nuts and dried fruit
- 1 ½ cups cold whole grain cereal or ¾ cooked whole grain cereal with ¾ cup nonfat or low fat milk
- 1 cup whole grain or pasta, 1 ounce cooked protein with ½ cup marinara sauce
- 2 slices whole grain bread, 1 tablespoon natural nut butter and 1 tablespoon all fruit preserves
- 3 ounce whole grain bagel with 2 ounces reduced-fat cheese
You can enhance your workout by consciously thinking about the total calories you consume as well as the quality and timing of those calories. Consider experimenting with these variables during training and figuring out what works best for you.