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CMC:B Alumni Community

CMC:B Alumni Community

What's the CMC:B Alumni Community about?
We’re a group of CMC:B “graduates” who want to keep in touch with each other, support each other and hopefully even help others. Everything else, we’re figuring out as we go!

Monthly virtual meetings
We aim to meet via Zoom on the first Wednesday of each month, except during tricky holiday weeks. Having met monthly since June 2024, we’ve got a really engaged community here, and we’re looking forward to seeing where it takes us!

NEW! CMC:B Alumni Directory
Complete this brief survey/opt in form to be included in our alumni-moderated Google Group and directory!

Questions? Thoughts? Email us!

Feel free to send comments or thoughts to the Alumni Planning Committee at:

[email protected].


Have any questions? Want more information? We can help!