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Hope Stream

The best audiobooks. The most entertainment. The podcasts you want to hear.

Brenda Zane

I had the immense pleasure of talking with Dr. Josh King on The Beyond Addiction podcast.

That Relationship Show

Dr. Nicole Kosanke, researcher and Director of Family Services at The Center for Motivation and Change joins us to discuss cutting edge research on the treatment of addiction.

Heather Ross Coaching: Living While Loving Your Child Through Addiction

Guest Nicole Kosanke, one of the authors of the book Beyond Addiction How Science And Kindness Help People Change and I talk about the book.

Spituality and Health Books We love

Carrie Wilkens, PhD, is cofounder and clinical director of the Center for Motivation and Change (CMC) in New York City; Long Island, NY; and Washington, DC.

The Hidden Getaway

Dr. Carpenter, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist and research scientist with over 20 years of experience developing, implementing, and evaluating

Conversations with Joan

If you have a loved one who is struggling with alcohol or other drugs, you may have feelings of frustration, anger, fear, or sadness.

Be Present: The Diane Ray Show

Recent statistics show that 10 percent of US adults have drug use disorder at some point in their lives.

Casey McGuire Davidson: Hello Someday

Redefining your relationship with alcohol is a learning process that requires compassion and grace for yourself.

Rabbi Rami: Spirituality & Health

Carrie Wilkens, PhD, is cofounder and clinical director of the Center for Motivation and Change (CMC) in New York City; Long Island, NY; and Washington, DC.

The Nick Swisher Show

We’ve all been there before. We hit a low point in our career and wonder, “What’s next? How do I go up from here?” Nick hit that moment during the post-season, and luckily that was when he was introduced to someone who taught him all about “developing a process.”

The Frankie Boyer Show

Simon Balderas A native American filmmaker, who heads WonderMouse Studios, Simon is a director, writer, producer, DOP and editor. celebrating Native American Heritage month with “The Runner,” his short proof…



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