Taking Care of Yourself During COVID

Taking Care of Yourself During COVID

The spread of COVID-19 has changed the lives of millions of people all over the world in the last few months. As the virus has spread, people have had a number of questions circling in their minds- How do I stay healthy and safe during this time? How do I protect my loved ones? What […]

Your Body’s Built-In Alarm

Imagine the following scenario: You are driving home from work at night, you pull into your driveway, and no lights are on at your house. It’s darker out than you’d expect, and as you walk to your front door, you hear something rustling in the bushes by the front door. In a moment, your whole […]

When The News is Triggering: Coping with Trauma in the News 

“No news is good news.” It’s a familiar enough phrase, and one that I’ve heard in increasing numbers over the last few weeks. Between accounts of natural disasters, sexual assault, child abuse and maltreatment in detention centers and violence against racial, ethnic, and sexual orientation and gender minorities, there is more than enough going on […]

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