All About: Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

If you are someone struggling with a behavioral issue (e.g., using substances in a problematic way) or a mood issue (e.g., panic attacks, depression), it’s likely that someone in your life, at some point, will encourage you to seek therapy. And if you are brave enough to want to make changes and think that it […]

Understanding OCD

We all have random thoughts that pop in and out of our minds. For most of us, these thoughts do exactly that, pop in and pop out, and we are able to move on with our day. For people who struggle with an anxiety disorder, and especially those who struggle with Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD), getting […]

Exercise: The Pathway to A Better Life

We all get a lot of advice and information about the importance of exercise and physical activity. The health benefits are impossible to ignore: improving mood, helping concentration, regulating sleep, and the potential for healthy weight regulation. Making changes to substance use are often helped by adding in other activities that would compete with use, […]

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