Jeff Foote on Blog Talk Radio: Safe Recovery

Hear CMC co-founder and executive director Dr. Jeff Foote talking about Beyond Addiction: How Science and Kindness Help People Change. (click the image below to hear Dr. Foote’s interview)

Changing the Focus of Substance Abuse Treatment

This is part 2 of two responses to the New York Times article about Dr. Carl Hart’s research at Columbia University.  You can read Part 1 here and the the original NY Times article here. Some of the work of Carl Hart, an experimental psychologist at Columbia University, was described in the NY Times recently, and […]

Increasing Positive Support with Relationship FIT-ness

Relationships matter. A lot! “Ugh, every time I see my brother, I feel so stressed/undervalued/ mad/ alone  (and want to go get a drink)!”  Sound familiar?  Substitute mother/father/classmate/ boss/friend and we are certain that you have significant people in your life with whom your relationship could be described as “difficult.”  Then, there are those people […]

Collaboration helps you, your partner, and your child

Collaboration matters a lot. The collaboration (or lack of) you may be thinking about is collaboration with your child (which is important); we’re talking first about collaboration with your parent/partner. When your child is struggling with substances or other behavior problems, there is often a communication breakdown between the adults, and tension about how to […]

What is Willpower?

What is willpower?  Some sense of self-control, resilience, ability to stick to a goal in spite of obstacles?  It’s actually more of a folk wisdom term but it has a lot of power in our culture and psyches.  In the popular press, people with a “lot of willpower” are thought to be strong, competent and […]

Training Parents to Help Children – Part I

The NY Times article “Train a Parent, Spare a Child” (1/11/2013) illustrates some excellent points we want to applaud and help apply these concepts to helping your family change their substance use. First, let’s detail the main points of the article and use that as a framework for how to think about behavior change.  The […]

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