Trying to Help Does not Make you an Enabler!

There are many ideas about substance use problems that are meant to help people understand things better but often have the unintended consequence of making people feel worse about themselves and more confused. The concept of “enabling” is most definitely in this camp. In the newly revised edition of the 20 Minute Guide, we added […]

Why Are We So Afraid of Choice When It Comes to Substance Use Problems?

Stigma and judgment continue to persist when it comes to substance problems and it’s time the conversation changed in this country from moralistic judgment and pessimism to compassion and understanding. For a variety of complicated reasons, our culture does not have a track record of treating people with substance problems and the families around them […]

How to Become a “Reinforcer”

If you are a partner, friend, spouse, parent, sibling, grandparent or any other person who is worried about a loved one’s use of substances, it is highly likely that you want to help them change. It may be that you have been reading or searching the internet about what you can do. Maybe you have […]

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