Taking Vacation with your Food

If the title of this article peaked your interest enough to read further, you might be thinking this is an article about amazing food destinations. But to be clear, this is an article about taking your food on vacation. Globetrotters are people who travel frequently and often embrace the culture and cuisine of their destinations. […]

Eating for Exercise

At CMC we encourage everyone to work out and eat well as doing so is an important part of making lasting behavioral changes. You may be someone who has always worked out and eaten well, you may be someone who is new to both. Regardless, you can enhance the quality of your workout and your […]

Get Fit If You Always Sit

One of the most challenging aspects of exercising is simply finding time for it. Many of us find ourselves sitting at a desk for the majority of our working lives. How can one expect to stay fit sitting at a desk? Is it possible? At CMC, we work hard to find exercises that fit into […]

Edamame and Pea Salad

It’s thankfully spring. The world is turning green and filling full of life. It’s the perfect time to start creating vibrant salads that reflect the season. Here is an easy salad that can be made in advance of a lovely spring dinner, or saved for quick little pick me up between meals. At CMC:Berkshires I […]

Oh, To Be Able to Fall Asleep!

For those of us who struggle with sleep, the word “sleep” can be ominous, evasive. We lie down, and hope. For years I struggled with what we call in yoga “Chitti Vritti”, a chattering or fluctuating mind. Many of you know the feeling all too well. A faucet of thoughts that seem to drip (and […]

Springtime Cleaning for Better Health

Spring time brings thoughts of cleaning. Outside, we clean up our yards from the debris that has accumulated throughout the winter. Inside we transition into our springtime wardrobe, and purge items from previous years that we no longer need. This process of cleansing always feels amazing. Embarking on the rite of springtime cleaning is a […]

Are You Eating In The Dark?

Eating food isn’t as easy as it may seem. Sure, you’ve been doing it all your life, but how often are you really paying attention to what you eat? Do you have any idea how many calories you are consuming? Could you estimate your fiber intake? Or your sugar or caffeine intake? Maybe you are […]

Good Decision Making: Turning Food Chaos into a Food Plan

How many food decisions would you guess that you make during one day? Brian Wansink, author of Mindless Eating and an expert on consumer behavior and nutritional science, conducted a study that revealed people make over 200 food decisions per day. Should I eat? What should I eat? How much should I eat? Do I […]

Get Moving!

At CMC we are committed to helping people develop better relationships with their bodies as changing any destructive behavior pattern requires that you “take better care” of yourself! Exercise of course is key to taking better care of your body. Maybe you are just starting to think about adding exercise into your life and don’t […]

Are you a Happy Eater?

Contributed by Lori Reamer, RDN Nutritionist @ CMC:Berkshires Eating should be a source of pleasure. If you eat something and you are not satisfied, you find yourself thinking, “That was boring, what else can I find?” until you hit the sensory qualities in food that bring a smile to your face and to your taste […]

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