Building a Life – Career Planning

February 2, 2013

Working can be rewarding and help to build confidence and self-esteem. No matter if it is a high paying job or a volunteer position, it can feel very good to be productive and involved in something outside of yourself/your family/your substance use.

The process of looking for a job can however be difficult and tedious.  No matter how motivated you are, you may experience roadblocks on your path.  While everyone experiences some bumps while they are job hunting, it can feel demoralizing and frustrating

One of the ways to stay motivated and steady in the face of such obstacles is to have a very clear understanding of why you want to get a job.  Answering the following questions may help you to focus your job search, and be prepared for some internal (emotions and thoughts) and external (“we’re not taking applications”) setbacks in the job process.

What do you want to get from finding a job? 
What is most important to you?  Is it a large salary?  Is it a flexible schedule?  Are you looking for more social interactions?  Write down your 3 most important goals for getting a job and rank them.

What is your time-frame for getting a job?
Do you need a job tomorrow?  If so, are you willing to take a “less than ideal” job to fit that need?  Do you have time?  If so, can you tolerate a slower moving process to help figure out exactly what you want to do, and then find that job?

Who do you know who can help you find a job?
Putting together a list of people who can help you with your job search is essential to success.  Don’t just put people with good connections!  Put people who will be cheerleaders for you when times are tough.  And put people who will be willing to listen to your mock-interview (for the hundredth time!).

These tips can help make a daunting a little bit easier.  What are some other tips that can help the job search process?

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